Talking Trek: Star Trek Fleet Command
Sunday Mar 19, 2023
Webstore Mechanics and Event Structures // New or Not?
Sunday Mar 19, 2023
Sunday Mar 19, 2023
Today, what I expected to be a 15-20 minute educational segment on HOW to participate in the new webstore version of the recruiting event turned into a hotly debated subject that surprised EACH side of the arguing cast. Is the event easy? Is it rewarding? Is it WORTH it? PLUS Bubba drags DJz back down into the Tal rabbit hole for another rant on Scopely latest design failure. AND to wrap up, Bubba Joe's Fantasy Fleet Command returns along side the Round 2 Introduction of Talking Trek's Battleship!
Visit our website at for links and more!
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Duality Event Updates, Holiday Hints, and New Player Strategy
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Tonight we spent more than a little time revisiting events that struggled in the first part of Duality, but have relaunched now with improved scoring and mechanics. But we uncover a STILL fundamental flaw in Scopelys New Player Experience, and we discuss ways to improve this. We also remind players of ways to ALWAYS be prepared for surprise ATA events and maybe even provide some hints on what COULD be coming in the upcoming Holiday Event Block. All this and more tonight! Please share with your team, sub to our channels, and ENJOY the show!
Visit our website for more links to our content at!
Sunday Dec 19, 2021
Let‘s Blow 100k Ultras and See What Happens
Sunday Dec 19, 2021
Sunday Dec 19, 2021
WARNING! This podcast is an audio simulcast of a YouTube Stream. Some elements of this show will direct to items you see on the screen, as we were on YouTube and showing off certain items or images. For the fullest benefit, please visit our YouTube channel by linking over from
Tonight we decide to get together and blow some ultras for the SLB. While we're at it we're gonna grind some borg, talk about the Klingon Rites AMS and WHY IT'S SOOOOOO worth it as a team, and talk abot some of theSyndicate XP buffs and Epic Ghrush. What is he good for? DJz has an unorthodox use for him, but it seems to be working.
Plus some yellin at Discord With DJz. That was fun.
Good times had by all! Visit us online at for more info!
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Talking Trek Gives Back: Meet Talia
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
We've been preparing for this show for a couple of months now, and today was the day. Today was the day we introduced you to Talia, a 14 year old diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma. Talia's family was nominated to be our 'Angel Family' this year, to receive funding from Talking Trek to make sure that not only Talia, but her 3 little sisters got a Christmas, despite the family's struggles over the past year. We meet Daddy Beatle, who tells us all about the last year, and about the strength and resilience of his family.... and then, a weight is lifted when we reveal that Christmas is on us this year. We also may or may not have gotten an inside track with the big guy up at 1 North Pole Plaza and gotten a phone call to Talia and her sisters.
This show is the purest demonstration of the good in people. I hope it fulfills you this holiday season, and motivates you to choose your own act of kindness towards someone in need this year. We wish you the HAPPIEST of Christmases everyone! Thank you for an AWE inspiring year! And we look forward to doing it again in 2022!
Sunday Dec 12, 2021
ATA Speedups Join the Valued Currency Family?
Sunday Dec 12, 2021
Sunday Dec 12, 2021
Tonight our focus is on the newest Away Teams Assignments Battlepass event. Of course, being brand new, this surprised many, and some of those players found themselves unable to work through the event within a 24 hour period, putting their battlepass and overflow events at risk. Tonight we break down the three events of the past week that missed the mark for some, give you the response from Live Ops regarding our feedback, and THEN, we break down some real work applications for ATA speedups. How do you get them? What is a 'healthy' bank? When should they be used? How can you 'bank' actual assignments for events like this? Tonight you get a full tutorial in ATA and the speedups needed to be successful. Please share this important teaching episode with your team, sub to the channels, and ENJOY the show!
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Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Turf Wars: Love It or Hate It?
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Tonight, absolutely the topic on everyone's mind was Turf Wars. Is this event designed poorly? Or is this event the best thing to ever hit TC? Players approached this topic from both sides with EXTREMELY intelligent conversation, wonderful perspectives, and amazing debate. DJz delivers a passionate opinion and goes back and forth with Bubba Jo before opening the stage ENTIRELY to the community. Your TRUE Server sound off? How did players actually feel? Hear their voices live. Also, later in the show, Ripper gives insight into the Ship Power loss bug, and what's going on with TC buffs, and towards the end of the show we lay out hints for the next 5 days worth of events. What are you competing for? What are you doing? What do you need to be ready for? This entire show is jam packed with goodness. So, do us a favor. Share with your teams, sub to our channels, and ENJOY the show!
Visit us online at
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Duality Part 3 Official Q&A with DJz
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
60 minutes with DJz to answer your questions, give you hints, and insights into the the latest arc launch update! LET'S GET IT ON!
Sunday Dec 05, 2021
Armada Acquisition: How To Effectively Guarantee Your Supply of Directives
Sunday Dec 05, 2021
Sunday Dec 05, 2021
YO TREKKERS! Thanks for another great show! We start out with a bit more recap on Arc 2 before moving into one of the larger pieces of feedback from the first two Duality Arcs, which was the large number of armada driven events in the game. Seems like we were asked to do more than we could possibly do without spending money. BUT is that actually true? Can the armada model actually be mathematically proven to work month after month? We think so, so let's drive in and do some balance between saving directives, AND guaranteeing your chests and rare directive acquisition as well. Also, please be sure to listen near the end for our initiative this holiday season and please send us your emails to nominate a family in need of a bit of Christmas Spirit this year. Email your nominations to for the Talking Trek Team to help provide a little extra Christmas Cheer.
Thank you all! Please share with your team, sub to our channels, and ENJOY the show! Our links are online at
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Final Grades on Duality Pt 2; Talking Trek Gives Back!!
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
It's been exactly two weeks since we were in studio with you and we had no shortage of things to talk about. DJz makes a passionate plea to the community for giving this holiday season, not only to each other, but to your local children in need. And while we (DJz) apologizes for the lengthy philanthropy segment, we remind you that we are in fact a community, and sometimes, this community transcends our video game, and we encourage you to open your hearts this season. That said, we did dive in to Duality Pt 2 and provided some excellent review, AND some scathing feedback from some players regarding the newly widened "ops-chasm" that we're experiencing in the game now, and ways to try to fix it moving forward. Major points of conversation included the economy, milestones and points, cloaking, Sela and Tomalak, and Territory Capture (the one dull spot on an otherwise bright month.)
Great conversations had by all! And a very fair and valid set of grades forthcoming! Please share with your team, leave your comments on YOUR grades, sub to our channels, and ENJOY the show!
Visit our website at for our email, and write us your letters for Talking Trek Gives Back! A family in need will receive $500 from Talking Trek to bring a small bit of joy to children this Christmas! Who will win this gift? It's up to you!
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
What is Botting? Duality Part 2 Wrapup; What Did We Love?
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
This episode was our first time back in a over a week and it was a GREAT laid back conversation with players about the events, rewards, and wrapup of Duality part 2. What would we like to see continue and what were the items MOST important to us as we prepare our final grades? Plus, Scopely shocks the community with a new limit to PVE Grinding. BUUUUUUUT, how many players does this really affect? And what are the facts surrounding the change? There's a lot of misinformation out there, and Talking Trek sets the record straight. What are the reasons behind this change? Reputation? Botting? Addiction? We explore some of these scenarios and discuss the technicalities of botting and WHY this change MAY have been the only reasonable solution, at this time. All this and more on today's AMAZING community driven episode of Talking Trek! Please share with your teams, sub to our channels, and ENJOY the show!
Visit our website at